Sunday, March 20, 2011

The NH GOP Senator's method of dealing with the Mentally Ill

One rather disturbing article published March 11 2011 explains the New Hampshire Senator Matin Harty's (R) way of dealing with mental health budgets.

Sharon Omand, a community health care center manager and resident of Stafford NH, called state senator Martin Harty to request more funding for community mental health programs and for the homeless. Harty's rather unsettling response to Omand's request is that the "world is too populated" and that there are "too many defective people." According to Harty, the 'real' way to deal with the defective/mentally ill people is to ship them off to Siberia. The one thing Hitler did right. Harty himself confirmed to making these comments to Omand (

Omand says Harty then stated, “I wish we had a Siberia so we could ship them all off to freeze to death and die and clean up the population.” Omand said Harty appeared to be serious. After Omand responded that his idea sounded like what Adolf Hitler did in World War II, Omand said Harty responded, “Hitler did something right, and I agree with (it).”
and later clarifies:
"I mean all the defective people, the drug addicts, mentally ill, the retarded — all of them,” the elderly lawmaker said when asked to specify what kind of people he was talking about.

Also according to Harty:
nature has a way of “getting rid of stupid people” and it’s a shame “we’re saving everyone who gets born.”


While sending the mentally ill way to Siberia and agreeing with Hitler in matters of human welfare are disturbing on their own, it becomes more unsettling when looking at history and seeing this was also Joseph Stalin's method to dealing with the mentall ill along with other groups he despised. Stalin sent countless Polsih, chechens, dissidents, and other groups to Siberia to work in the bitter cold at camps. Millions have lost their lives because of it.

Republican State House Speaker William O'Brien comes to Harty's defense by saying: "at Harty's age (90 years old) he has earned the right to say what he thinks but he needs to appreciate that as a represenative, he will be held at a higher standard."  Harty apparently also served under General Patton and fought for his country in WW II against the dictators he would eventually agree with on taking care of such problems. (

Regardless of his age and sevices to our country Harty's comment was the type of alientation many mentally ill fear or are already being plagued by. And perhaps if he insulted another group, such as making a racist or sexist comment, there would be less excuses for him and much more coverage. His other presumed ideals like "it's a shame we're saving everyone who gets born" shows his lack of compassion and plenty of callousness regarding human life. Harty isn't alone with his ideals and the fact he was a person in such power as well leads to many to worry where else these people with these ideals can also be.

Not surprisingly Harty resigned only a couple of days later apologizing for his comments. (

Is Charlie Sheen really Bipolar?

Since the beginning of March, actor and star of the now canned sitcom Two and a Half Men Charlie Sheen has been going through a bit of a breakdown...which the media has been capturing every second of it.

Many have seem to beleive that the reason for Sheen's behavior is Bipolar Disorder which Sheen's action matches the symptoms to. Bipolar Disorder is characterized by dramatic and often violent mood swings between great joy and depression. In the manic state of depression the person will feel like they have boundless energy and with it suffer chronic insomnia, engage in wild spending, sex, and/or drug use and also suffer delusions of granadeur or paranoia.

Sheen has shown these characteristics fitting Bipolar Disorder and has also been analyzed by psychiatrists, but has also freely admitted to taking sheer amounts of crack and cocaine which can lead to bipolar symptoms.
"Cocaine produces a heightened state of what looks like mania -- a hyper-manic state -- and it also produces a crash," explains Fischoff, a senior editor at the Journal of Media Psychology (
Sheen also doesn't admit to being bipolar himself and takes a shot at mental illness:
"Wow! What does that mean?" he says. "Wow. And then what? What's the cure? Medicine? Make me like them? Not gonna happen. I'm bi-winning. I win here, and I win there. Now what? If I'm bipolar, aren't there moments where a guy, like, crashes, like, in the corner, like, 'Oh my God, it's all my mom's fault'? Shut up. Shut up! Stop! Move forward."
-Charlie Sheen (

There's another interesting article on The Philly Post by a Liz Spikol (
Judging by her article it seems Spikol herself is bipolar and is less than thrilled at Charlie Sheen making a bad name for those with bipolar disorder. In Spikol's reasoning:
"the media—from England to Edmonton—went with the theory of mental illness: How could he be such an arrogant, egomaniac otherwise?"
Spikol goes on to point out none of Sheen's ex-wives or girlfriends have mentioned mental illness before and explaines how damaging it is using bipolar or any mental illness to use as an automatic explanation for behavior like Sheen's is damaging to the illness and those who actually do suffer from it; again as mentioned before the stigma the mentally ill endure in real life.

In another interesting article, which isn't so much about mental illness stigma, but how society views gender roles is "Comic Masculinity: The Three Faces of Charlie Sheen" by Sady Doyle on

In this article Doyle details the different sides of Sheen's behavior as seen by the media from being a comedian, a tragedy, and lastly a misogynist. The Misogynist Sheen has apparently been around before the 'Bipolar Breakdown' with cries of domestic abuse during Two and a Half Men; It also seems Sheen was punished more for bad mouthing Chuck Lorre the show's creator than when Sheen shot his ex-fiances Kelly Preston. Along with Preston there are numerous starlets and sex-workers Sheen has also terrorized with his star power backing him up.

Doyle concludes her article with comparing and contrasting Sheen's celebrity meltdown with those of Brittney Spears and Lindsey Lohan, which can be summed up in this paragraph:
"But it’s Sheen the misogynist who holds the key to the puzzle. Holmes points out that self-destructive celebrities are nothing new; it’s just that they’re normally treated differently. “Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears are endlessly derided for their extracurricular meltdowns and lack of professionalism,” she writes. It’s true: Shaming is normally a major part of the sport of celebrity crash-gawking. All Miley Cyrus had to do was take an (apparently legal) bong hit and hold onto a pole during a musical performance, and we regularly treat her as if she’d released several dozen sex tapes filmed atop a pile of crack rocks. Sheen, by contrast, has displayed far more troubling behavior, and become a hero. This actually makes sense: Lohan and Spears are breaking all the rules of femininity. But as Sheen has gotten more out of control, his behavior has become more stereotypically masculine."